Daily we provide:
A choice of two main meals, one of which is suitable for a vegetarian diet.
A choice of two vegetables using local produce wherever possible.
A salad bar using local produce wherever possible.
Homemade wholemeal french bread.
A pudding of the day or a choice of fresh fruit, yogurt or cheese and biscuits.
Drinking water.
The three-weekly menu cycle meets the Food and Nutrient Based Standards for Primary & Special School Meals. It is planned to take into account popular foods, the time of year and dietary considerations. A group of experienced staff plan the menus, and a nutritional software package is used to analyse them. All new recipes are tested in advance by pupils. Meals are freshly prepared and cooked daily by our team of caring catering staff.
The government has decided that all pupils should be able to have a free school meal at lunchtime. This offer does not depend on your household income or whether you receive any benefits – every child in these classes is eligible to take up the offer.
The government has decided to fund free school lunches for all pupils following the Department for Education's recent review of school food.
In a trial, it was found that pupils who ate a high-quality school lunch achieved better academically than those who did not. They were also more likely to eat healthier foods such as vegetables at lunchtime instead of less healthy foods such as crisps.
Parents in the trial appreciated saving the cost of school lunches and not having to spend time preparing packed lunches.
All children at St Dunstan’s, Cheam, are offered a free school meal.
We have changed the way school milk is ordered. If you would like your child to have school milk you need to register with Cool Milk.