The pedestrian gate opens at 8.30am.
The playground is supervised from 8.35am.
The morning session commences at 8.45am.
Lunch is from 12 noon to 1.15pm.
There is a morning break for all pupils from 10.15am-10.30am, and a short afternoon break for the younger children from 2.10-2.20pm.
The registers are kept open for 15 minutes until 9.00am and 1.30pm. After these times a child is marked as absent unless prior notification has been given.
School finishes at 3.15pm for infants and 3.20pm for juniors. In a typical week KS1 children attend school for 32.50 hours: KS2 children attend school for 32.75 hours.
The morning Nursery Session runs from 8.45-11.45am.
The afternoon Nursery Session runs from 12.30-3.30pm.
Parents should wait on the paved area outside of the infant gates or at the Jubilee Road end of the junior playground until home time. They are requested to ensure that infant and pre-school children waiting for junior brothers and sisters do not make a noise outside junior classrooms or drop litter in the playground. Parents are asked to keep the yellow lines in front of the school clear, to take every precaution to keep children safe from cars and to have consideration for the school's neighbours by not parking across their entrances. The Governors have set a 5mph speed limit, for safety reasons, within the school grounds. Parents should only park their cars in the school car park if they are helping in school or in specific circumstances, eg, collecting a child who is unwell. Disabled parents, visitors and those transporting disabled children or adults should ask for a permit and use the disabled places near the Main Entrance. In order to reduce traffic congestion, families are encouraged to walk to and from school whenever possible and to set up car sharing arrangements.